22.09.2021 г.

The MIRtex company is a large Russian manufacturer of knitted fabrics.

Seven years ago, the latest European equipment was put into operation on the territory of the complex, which allowed the enterprise to automate the technological process as much as possible and in the shortest possible time receive products that fully comply with European standards.

More than a thousand people are involved in a company that not only produces knitted fabrics, but also dyes fabrics and makes printing. The "INTERFABRIC" exhibition is considered by the "MIRtex" collective as an excellent opportunity to declare itself and find new customers.

mirtex.jpg“We brought our products from the Ivanovo region,” says Anna Stepanova, head of the design department at MIRtex.

- It is not the first year that we have been participating in the INTERFABRIC exhibition of fabrics and textile materials. This is a great opportunity to declare yourself as a Russian manufacturer and find new customers. 2020 was difficult enough for all of us because of covid, we were isolated for a long time.

The INTERFABRIC exhibition is not only an excellent organization of the event, not only the solution of important tasks of the company, but also an excellent opportunity to meet and communicate live.
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